Everyone Should Have A Session
I was taken a back to hear two people in the course of a few days tell me that everyone should have a session. Then I thought about it - and they are right! I...
Web of Acceptance
The custom of dancing around the maypole with plaited ribbons was introduced in 1889 by Professor John Ruskin for his student teachers at Whitelands College, ...
Lambs a leaping and spring flowers vying for the sun. 19 March we will be celebrating the Spring Equinox! It isn’t only those beautiful flowers and lamb...
I have been and I guess I always will be a square peg but I have long stopped trying to fit that round hole! Life is to short to try and please everyone so I...
Ready or not we have stepped into 2024! Some were ready and are already embracing the day! Others still have a foot in 2023 not ready to let go! As Queen E...
There I have said it after all it is December and it is just a few weeks away. As I sat and thought what to write about this month the song "Happiness" by Ke...
Life doesn't always give us what we wish
Having lived almost 7 decades on this planet I have learnt that life doesn't always dish up what we wish. Today whilst holidaying in Spain I received a phone...
  For years I never thought that I was worthy - I never felt good enough let alone the best but that changed when I shifted the depression that had ...
Whilst we like to think that we are truly authentic - this is something that we all strive to be and yet we are always not quite there if you know what I mean...
Are you feeling like a square peg in a round hole
I never felt like a square peg in a round hole when it came to employment, it was at home that I felt the odd one out! I could continue this blog blaming ano...
Is 2023 Wearing Roller Skates
Here we are at the end of the seventh month of the year! 2023 is wearing roller skates or has turbot boost not sure which for it seems to no sooner have been J...
Time and Tide Wait for No-one
I am sat here thinking about when did I last blog and was surprised to find it was in May - where has that time gone?Well first off there was a trip up to the L...
New Image Same Me
I have been home from Spain for two weeks now, how I long for those rays!!I had a ball in Spain again walking on average 5-6 miles a day!Home now though to typi...
What a Welcome Home
So I am back in Burry Port and what a home coming it was!No sign of the sunshine that we had been having in Torrevieja, just wind and rain, at least there was n...
How can it be?
How can it be that we are saying goodbye to February?I trust that you have enjoyed this month as much as I have!It has been cold, it has been wet and yet I have...
I started up writing my blog again towards the end of last year, updating you on what I had been doing and planned to do! Most of us are now comfortable with 2...
Merry Christmas
Hasn't 2022 gone by quickly?From January to December how can it be?I have had those ups and downs as have most of you and yet the year has zoomed past!Zoomed is...
Countdown to Christmas
Advent traditionally runs from the 27 November to 24 December! Those who bought a virtual Tarot Advent Calendar however will be receiving a bespoke single card...
Happy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is more an American celebration than that of the UK.Myself I like to practice gratitude on a daily basis and perfectly understand the sentiment beh...
November The official start of winter!October brought us the colours of Autumn and me a holiday!Winter whilst I love the crisp mornings I don't like the cold a...
Journaling Month 2
Can you believe it we are over half way through October? This month my gratitude has to be for my husband!This man has been my rock since I first met him way b...
Journaling is a great way of getting your thoughts out of your head! And I know keep a gratitude journal which I thought might be of interest to you too so I a...
Summertime The time when the meadows are full of corn, cornflowers, buttercups, daisies and more! When in the UK our clocks spring forward the above crops and...
A Leathal Cocktail?
I had suffered with depression from a young age!I had chosen not to take antidepressants as I didn't like the side effects that they can cause.After the birth o...
Being Being Human or Human Being?
It is said that there are over 7.8 billion people inhabiting this planet! And I believe that all are connected for it is the connection, the psyche within us t...
Valentine's Day
Whilst we know that February has been the month that this celebration has taken place who St Valentine was is shrouded in mystery! It is believed that February...
Your sails are set yet your anchor is down
I was talking the talk yet I wasn’t walking the walk!Does this sound familiar to you?We can all talk the talk yet it takes a brave person to lift that anc...
These need to be used with care for it is not what is said rather it is what is heard! This doesn't matter whether we are speaking to another or to ourselves w...

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